The Digital Landscape Of College Search
Despite the meaningful efforts of universities and their willingness to adapt to the nation’s most popular social media platforms, there’s no way to ensure that the content they create or share will influence enough students to meet their recruitment expectations. In fact, content that is lackluster or altogether lacking, may actually influence a student away from a particular college. Understanding this, it’s vital for universities to not only have an online presence, but to have one that is well designed and appealing to tech-savvy minds. Posted content should be creative and spark interest so that it can be shared, build a following and drive further impressions. This is no easy task, but for the universities that do achieve it, they tend to see increases in their enrollment capabilities. To learn more about how the college recruitment process has changed as a result of social media content, please see the infographic included alongside this post.
The Digital Landscape Of College Search provided by Encoura, an organization offering a premier alumni engagement platform